tags: ux
Using ANSI Color Codes to Colorize Your Bash Prompt on Linux - BitMote
4072 days ago
about - awesome window manager
4079 days ago
30 Window Managers in 30 days (Page 1) / WM/DE Talk / CrunchBang Linux Forums
4079 days ago
First 5 Minutes Troubleshooting A Server | devo.ps
4301 days ago
My First 5 Minutes On A Server; Or, Essential Security for Linux Servers | Bryan Kennedy
4310 days ago
4537 days ago
remiprev/teamocil · GitHub
4537 days ago
TMUX – The Terminal Multiplexer (Part 1) | Hawk Host Blog
4537 days ago
The De-Evolution of UX Design | UX Magazine
4630 days ago
libcaca -- Caca Labs
libcaca is a graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, so that it can work on older video cards or text terminals. It is not unlike the famous AAlib library, with the following improvements:
4672 days ago
progress bars for the terminal with PV (Pipe Viewer)
pv gives you a progress bar for your task, based on either the number of bytes it's seen, or the number of newline characters that have come through. It can show you an ETA based on the information it's seen. It can even show you the current rate of throughput, and/or the average rate of throughput.
4684 days ago
Linux WD EARS Advanced Hard Drive Format
advanced hd format, formatting on an even sector
4684 days ago
in case your laptop is stolen...
To all of the mac/linux/bsd users here:
Put this in a shell script, and add it to cron, run it once a minute or so.
if wget http://myserver.com/sshreverse; then ssh -R 2900:localhost:22 User@myserver.com; fi
If your box is ever stolen, put a file on your webserver called "sshreverse". Wait about a minute, then do:
ssh whatever_your_username_is_on_your_mac@localhost -p 2900
Now you've got an SSH connection back into your laptop. Use this to install a keylogger, take a picture, etc. etc.
(This will get you around NAT devices like wifi routers and the like [or firewalls or whatever. This is a reverse ssh session, to the firewall, it looks like an outbound connection])
edit: want to just say that that exact string of commands isn't something I wrote, a fellow hacker recommended it to me about a year ago or so.
4687 days ago
An Automated Reliable Backup Solution | Linux Journal
first-hand article on creating NAS with duplicity
4688 days ago
10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX Shell Scripts
4688 days ago
Never reboot linux again? Run your existing Windows install in Linux! « Mohammad Azimi
4689 days ago
Howto run Windows with VMware Player in Linux for free - LinuxQuestions.org
4689 days ago
duplicity: Main
Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from spying and/or modification by the server.
4694 days ago
Modest Spec or Barebones Installation of Ubuntu
If you have a low-spec'ed computer (64 to 128 MB of RAM, less than 1 GHz processor), you may have difficulty with a regular Ubuntu installation. You may, even if you have a higher-spec'ed computer want to create a minimal installation for other reasons.
4730 days ago
Understanding Bash fork() bomb ~ :(){ :|:& };:
This is a bash function. It gets called recursively (recursive function). This is most horrible code for any Unix / Linux box. It is often used by sys admin to test user processes limitations (Linux process limits can be configured via /etc/security/limits.conf and PAM).
4739 days ago
DIY node.js server on Amazon EC2 | Cuppster.com
setting up a node server on ec2, including a handy tutorial on git hooks
4751 days ago